
學生帳號申請 Applying for a Student Account
學生帳號申請 Application of student account
*帳號 Account number (需包含英文和數字 Containing English letter and number)
*密碼 Password (密碼長度至少8碼,並需符合英數+特殊符號 Password is required to be at least 8 characters with letters, numbers and special symbols)*確認密碼 Re-enter password (輸入與密碼相同 The entering is identical with password)
*電子信箱 Email
Name of applicant
 (應與學生證相同 Shall be in accordance with your name on student ID)*性別 Gender
Name of applicant
*國籍 Nationality
Passport number
 (提示:若您更換過護照,請先使用舊護照號碼申請帳號,並於申請案件時將舊護照及新護照上傳至護照資料夾,本部將於審核時一併更新您的護照號碼。)(If you had renewed your passport, please enter your old passport number here. Upload both of your new and old passports and we will renew your passport numbers later on.)*護照號碼有效期限 Validity of passport(西元yyyy/MM/dd)
UI number
(提示:請依居留證填寫統一證號,若您變更過統一證號,請於申請工作許可時備註新統一證號並上傳舊居留證及新居留證,本部將於審核時一併更新您的統一證號。若您是來臺就讀語言中心,尚無居留證,請先向移民署申請統一證號。Please fill in the UI number according to the ARC. If you have changed your UI number, please note the new UI number when applying for a work permit and upload both the old and new ARC. The Ministry of Labor will update your UI number when reviewing. If you are studying in a language center in Taiwan and do not have an ARC, please apply for the UI number to the National Immigration Agency first.)*出生年月日
Date of birth
School attended
 (提示:若清單中沒有學校資料,請先洽學校承辦單位 Please contact the school office responsible if you can’t find your school on the list.)
*身分別 Identity
Phone number
Definitions of different student identities:
一、 僑生:須符合「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」之學生,包含高中以上學位生、臺灣師範大學僑生先修部學生。
 The overseas Chinese students, as defined in the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan, refers to those who study for a degree in high school or above and those who enrolled at Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students in National Taiwan Normal University.
二、 華裔學生:須符合「香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法」規定之學生,或「就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之技術訓練班學生」,包含來自港澳地區之高中以上學位生、海青班學生。
 Ethnic students shall meet one of the following requirements:
 1. Degree seeking students from high school or above as stated in the Regulations Governing Study by Hong Kong and Macao Residents in the Republic of China.
 2. Students enrolled in a technical training class conducted by the OCAC.
三、 外國留學生:須符合「外國學生來臺就學辦法」之學生,包含大專院校學位生、就讀大專院校附設語文中心、交換學生。
 Foreign students as set forth in the regulations of International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, including degree seeking students of college/university, those who study Chinese at language center of college/university in Taiwan and exchange students.
國籍關鍵字 Keywords
學校關鍵字 Keywords