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建議使用 Chrome 線上系統電話服務時間:週一至週五 上午8時30分至12時00分,下午13時30分至17時30分
請將螢幕解析度設定為 1920*1080 將可得到較佳的效果 。 線上系統客服專線:0800-881-339 預約回電服務
申請規定客服專線:(02)8995 6000 線上系統客服電子信箱:ezwp@wda.gov.tw
勞動力發展署服務地址:24219 新北市新莊區中平路439號南棟4樓
Suggest to use Chrome Online System Telephone Service Hours:8:30 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 17:30, Monday to Friday
Please set your screen resolution at 1920*1080 for a better effect. Online System Customer Service Hotline:0800-881-339
Telephone of Workforce Development Agency:(02)89956000 Online System Customer Service E-mail:ezwp@wda.gov.tw
Address of Workforce Development Agency:4F, South Building, No. 439, Zhongping Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 24219
In the case where the application has been returned for revision/correction, please contact the officer as shown in the notification message to inquire.